Does this filter make me look flawless? A look at misleading and deceptive conduct
SPEL Environmental Pty Ltd v IES Stormwater Pty Ltd [2022] FCA 891 Andrew Hales | Laura-Rose Lynch | Naomi Graham (more…)
Developers beware of the duty of care under the DBP Act – Part 2
The Owners – Strata Plan No 84674 v Pafburn Pty Ltd (No 2) [2022] NSWSC 1002 Andrew Hales | Sophie Wallwork | Jaime Parker (more…)
Shock horror: incorrect application of law does not spark leave to appeal
Paradise Outdoor Building Company Pty Ltd v Steward [2022] QCA 118 Michael Creedon | Laura Berry | Renee Shike (more…)
Drilling down on expert evidence
Drill Engineering & Pastoral Company Pty Ltd v Seymour & another [2022] QDC 1361 Julie Whitehead | Elissa Morcombe | Eva Squire (more…)
Don’t build outside the lines!
Paridaen & Anor v Mahaside Pty Ltd [2022] QSC 109 David Pearce | Sam Rafter | Yibing Mao (more…)
Rage against the machinery: a quantum assessment of loss for faulty equipment
Damon’s Earthworks Pty Ltd v AA Machinery Pty Ltd [2022] QDC 123 Michael Creedon | Alexandria Hammerton | Alisha McGrady (more…)
Design imitation – flattery or just a breach of copyright?
Look Design and Development Pty Ltd v Edge Developments Pty Ltd & Flaton [2022] QDC 116 Michael Creedon | Hazal Gacka | Alisha McGrady (more…)
To plead is human, to demonstrate causation is divine
The Corporation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Heart of Jesus (Qld) v FERM Engineering Pty Ltd [2022] QSC 102 Sarah Ferrett | Megan Sharkey | Zariyah Ahmed (more…)
Limitation periods – when does time start to run?
Lendlease Pty Ltd v Owners Corporation No 11 PS526704E & Ors [2022] VSCA 105 Jeanette Barbaro | Tom Kearney | Michael Lo | Sean Bricknell (more…)
Running down that hill – increased water flow a nuisance to downhill neighbours
Graham & Anor v Alic & Anor [2022] QDC 106 Andrew Orford | Allie Flack | Eva Squire (more…)