Chapter 7 Security
Find out why security is given and about the different types of security: cash, undertaking or guarantee. Case studies and common standard form contractual clauses are used as examples to demonstrate how to call on security and when a court will stop security from being called.
Chapter 8 The Building Code of Australia
A review of what the Building Code is, why it was established, who maintains it, what it covers and how to use it are included in this chapter. The performance based system is diagramatically explained in an easy to follow hierarchy. The various assessment methods for an approval authority to see whether a building solution complies with the Code are covered.
Chapter 9 Payment
Payment covers progress payments, progress claims, progress certificates and final certificates. Included is an analysis of how commonly used Australian Standard contracts address payment regimes with real case studies as examples.
Chapter 10 Defects
Find out what a defect is and how they apply in construction contracts. The defects liability period is explained and what right to damages exists for recovering the costs of rectifying a defect.
Chapter 11 Time
Time in construction contracts looks at the concepts of practical completion, progress of the works, extension of time, delay and time bars. Managing time with a float and methods of assessing delay are examined.
Chapter 12 Liquated damages
The concept of liquidated damages is explained and why you should use them in a construction contract. The difference between liquidated damages and a penalty and when courts will not enforce a clause are reviewed.