• Gantt chart

    A horizontal bar chart which provides a graphical illustration of the time frame for work that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project, and is frequently used in project management.

  • Garnishee Proceedings

    A court proceeding where a judgment creditor may obtain a court order directing a third party who owes money to, or holds money for, the judgment debtor to pay the judgment creditor. Such an order is usually obtained against a bank requiring the bank to pay money held in the account of the debtor to the creditor.

  • GC21 Contract

    General Conditions of contract used and issued originally by the Department of Public Works (NSW) and now managed by ProcurePoint and used by a number of NSW government departments for public works contracts.

  • General Conditions

    Conditions set out in standard forms of Contract are known as general conditions. Where the parties employ standard forms of general conditions but wish to vary or expand upon these provisions, additional conditions may be included in the Contract which are frequently described as Special Conditions which normally take precedence over general conditions.

  • General Damages

    Damages awarded for non-pecuniary loss or damage.  They comprise past and future losses that are not precisely quantifiable, such as damages for loss of future earnings and for pain and suffering

  • Geotechnical

    Scientific methods and engineering principles used to resolve engineering problems involving materials of the earth's crust. Geotechnics encompasses soil mechanics, rock mechanics, geology, geophysics, hydrology and related sciences.

  • GLAR Method

    The method of measurement for gross lettable area of a space (usually a retail space) prescribed by the Property Council of Australia Method of Measurement dated 1 July 2008.

  • Global Claim

    A claim made by a contractor which rolls up or incorporates a number of individual claims on the basis that they are indivisible.  Such claims are highly susceptible to challenge.

  • Good Faith

    An obligation in a Contract to act with honest intent and not to act intentionally or capriciously in a manner likely to cause another party to be deprived of a benefit the other party would otherwise have obtained under the Contract, or which takes an unfair advantage over another party.

  • Good Industry Practice

    That degree of skill, care, prudence and foresight and existing practice which should reasonably and ordinarily be expected from time to time of a skilled and experienced contractor, engaged in the same type of workmanship as that of the contractor under the same or similar circumstances.

  • Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    Any goods and services tax, value added tax, consumption tax or similar transaction tax including, but not limited to amounts payable in accordance with the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) and any associated legislation, payable in respect of the sale or other supply of products.

  • Green Building

    A building with an ecologically sustainable focus which is designed and built with energy and water efficiency in mind, as well as minimising any adverse impact on its inhabitants and the environment.

  • Green Building Council of Australia

    A national, not-for-profit organisation, that is committed to developing a sustainable property industry for Australia by encouraging the adoption of green building practices through market-based solutions. See Green Star.

  • Green Star

    A comprehensive, voluntary environmental rating system which rates a building against nine environmental criteria.  There are four rating tools covering certification of design, construction and operation of buildings.   Green Star rates a building both at its design stage and after construction. Buildings can be rated between 4 and 6 stars, with 6 stars representing world leadership.. The right to promote the Green Star rating relies upon formal certification by the Green Building Council of Australia.  See Green Building Council of Australia.

  • Greenfield Site

    Land which is previously undeveloped considered for commercial developments or industrial projects. (Contrast with Brownfield Site)

  • Guarantee

    A secondary agreement in which one party (the guarantor or surety) is liable for the debt or default of another party (the principal debtor), who is the party primarily responsible for the debt or obligation. A guarantee requires independent Consideration and must be evidenced in writing. (See also Warranty)

  • Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract (GMP)

    A contract which caps the Contractor’s entitlement to payment at a maximum price, subject only to legitimate increases, such as authorised changes to the employer’s outline or basic Design requirements. Under GMP Contracts, Principals have considerable certainty over what the final maximum cost of a project will be, and there is generally a provision for the distribution of any additional profit achieved through the cost saving measures (which would benefit the Contractor if the costs were lower than anticipated).